Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm Finally on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Hello my fellow yoga goers!

I have finally gotten a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you want to see to see what yoga materials are the best and are on the run, like and follow my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages!


How to Prepare Yourself for Hot Yoga

Hot yoga may be one of the most exhilarating and exhausting styles of yoga. Hot yoga, which can also be known as Bikram Yoga is when you do about twenty-six different posturers and two breathing exercises. Going into your first hot yoga class can be nerve racking (it was for me), and I'm going to tell you how to prepare yourself for the first class.

Before the class, make sure you are drinking a lot of water. You do not want to enter this class un-hydrated, since this type of yoga is quite the workout. As well as drinking a lot, I would not come to class before eating a large meal, since you will be working your body. Be sure to be relaxed as you enter the classroom. As you should know when entering the room, it will be very hot! It can be up to 105 degrees fahrenheit! During this class, you should bring a yoga mat that can handle when not getting wet. The Jade Harmony Professional Yoga Mat is perfect for this class because it does not get slippery when wet.

When you start the class, prepare to sweat. I would come to class in a tank top and shorts, so you can let your body breath easier. Your body will be working very hard in this hot temperature and your body is not used to this. If you do experience any discomfort, I would recommend getting the instructors name, and taking a break.

Finally, after the long and sweaty class you are done. First, give yourself a pat on the back for finishing the most intensive style of yoga there is out there. After the class, you will most likely be pretty tired, but you can also feel energized and if so, good for you! Make sure when you are done with the class to still drink lots of water, since you were just sweating greatly.

Overall, hot yoga is a thrilling experience that all yoga goers should have. If you do experience this, kudos to you, since it is a hard, but rewarding experience.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Top 3 Yoga Pants (Men)

Finding comfort as a man who does yoga can be hard to come by. That is why the pants a man should choose is key. The options for men's yoga pants is very limited, but they options are still great. My top three men's yoga pants are: Lululemon Smash Pants, Prana Sutra Pants and the Hyde Men's Original Fit.

Lulu Lemon Smash Pants
The Lululemon Smash Pants are not only perfect for yoga, they are also perfect for just hanging around. These pants offer great support and comfort for a man. The material used for these pants are very stretchy, so you can move around any way your body will let you.

Prana's Sutra Pants
Prana's Sutra Pants for men are extremely comfortable. Not only are they comfortable, these pants are good for the environment and were made from natural elements. Something perfect about these pants are if you don't love yoga, you can still wear the pants!

Hyde Men's Orignal Fit
Hyde Men's Original Fit pants are an one of a kind. These pants are very loose and relaxing, and have a great overall fit. The pants are weaved which makes them more stylish. If you are looking for a relaxing look at yoga, these pants are perfect.

Overall, as I've said yoga pants are a key part of yoga, especially for guys. The pants you choose are your choice, but make sure to choose the pants that fit you best.


Top 3 Yoga Pants (Women)

What you wear for yoga can impact your yoga experience very much. Some yoga goers prefer the loose fit pants, or some people want a tight fit. No matter what you prefer, there are many different styles out there for everyone. My personal 3 favorites are Mobility Pants, Lolë Salutation Pants or Warrior Yoga Leggings.
Mobility Pants
Mobility pants are perfect for some yoga goers. These pants are not too tight, and not too loose. The capri style pants come in multiple lively colors and and offer the most support pants can support.

Second, the Lolë Salutation Pants are great as well. If you are looking for a tighter fit than the mobility pants, but not too tight these pants are perfect. These pants also have a unique touch to them. You can cut them to your preferred length without damage. The unique pants also have pockets in them, if you like that as well.

Warrior Yoga Pants
If you are looking for very traditional yoga leggings, the Warrior Yoga Leggings are for you. These leggings fit with your body the way they are supposed to, and go a great length. If you enjoy standing out in the crowd, these leggings have three diamonds cut on the outside of the calf for design.

 No matter if you enjoy loose or tight pants, long or short you should look for      pants that comfort you. Comfort is the most important part of yoga, and that is  what you should look for in yoga pants.


Top Yoga Mats of 2013

Jade Yoga Mats
Yoga mats are the most important part of yoga. It is the only thing I would think you need, besides having your body. The feeling you should want from a yoga mat varies for different people, but in the end what everyone wants is comfort. There are three specific mats that I would like to focus on today which are: Jade Harmony Professional Yoga Mat, Manduka PROlite Yoga Mat and the Jade Fusion Yoga Mat.

My personal favorite has to be the Jade Harmony Professional Yoga Mat. This mat has a nice natural surface that provides great comfort and has fantastic traction with wet and dry surfaces, so you can do yoga anywhere with this mat! The one problem one might find with this mat is the open cell technology used to create this mat still has bacteria and oils, but it hasn't been a problem with me. On the bright side, not only can this mat be used for any kind of yoga, it is also perfect for Pilates.

Manduka Yoga Mats
The Manduka PROlite Yoga Mat is also a one of a kind mat. This mat is very easy to cary around and extremely easy to clean. A problem I have run into a couple times is when this mat gets wet, it becomes very slippery. Since the mat gets slippery, hot yoga would not be preferable, but every other kind of yoga is great for this mat, especially outdoor yoga.

Lastly, the Jade Fusion Yoga Mat is great also. This specific mat is perfect for any kind of yoga, and you really have a natural feel when using it. Jade Yoga's mats want to give their user the natural feeling of doing yoga, and this mat does that perfectly. Even though this mat has a lot of perks, it does have a few cons. This mat is not easy to carry around, and when you get it wet it is a hassle to get dry.

When someone does yoga, they should find a mat that fits them. Everyone should have a natural feel with there, and not just choose the best one.
