Monday, July 15, 2013

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Yoga is one of the only spiritual practices that lets the human body become one with its own mind. Therefore, there are the eight limbs of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga each have their own personal meaning, and purpose. The eight limb path of yoga helps you form a stronger bond with your own body and mind, and will help yoga be more meaningful for you.

1. Yama
- By definition, Yama is the Hindu God of death and the lord of the unknown world, but in yoga terms it is different. Yama is universal mortality, which is also a lot of different things. In short terms, Yama is just being a good person, and doing good deeds and just treating people the way you want to be treated.
2. Niyama
- Niyama means laws, or rules. Like Yama, there are a lot of other Niyama in all, but Niyama can be more personal and reach home more. Niyama tells you to be a pure person, and to use the energy you have for good use only. Niyama is also saying one should get to know themselves better, and just to be a relaxed person.
3. Asanas
- Now this is really the first physical limb of yoga. What Asanas means is body postures. This limb is telling us that each position that yoga offers we should try, even if it is extremely difficult, it is worth trying because it can only help your body.
4. Pranayama
- Breathing is so key in Yoga. Every breathe you take effects how the whole class or session of yoga goes. What this limb means is that you should control your breathing, so it doesn't get out of control and you just stay relaxed.
5. Pratyahara
- In simple context, this Pratyahara means drawing back, or retreat. But, as the fifth limb of Yoga what this means is withdrawal oneself. This limb is telling you to control your sense during yoga, and just to withdrawal all your sense from any object that is external.
6. Dharana
- This limb is basically concentration. What this limb is telling you to do is to focus on just one object while performing Yoga, and never lose focus.
7. Dhyana 
- This is one of the most important stages in Yoga. What it is telling you to do is have a straight meditation throughout Yoga. You should have a focused flow, and not get distracted.
8. Samadhi
- Samadhi is the final step in Yoga. What this means is to bring everything together. You have sadly come to an end in your Yoga experience, so you need to bring everything together.

Yoga is an art that involves your mind and your body. Following the eight limb path helps everyone have a better Yoga experience.


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