Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Top 3 Yoga Studios in America

As a yoga goer, you should always be on the look out for the best yoga studios near you. Whether you are on vacation somewhere, or just moved to town you should look into the best yoga studios. I am here to tell you my top three yoga studios in America. They are: Yoga Works (California and New York), PranaVayu Yoga (Boston) and Tranquil Space (Washington DC).

With 22 California locations and five New York locations, Yoga Works has elite yoga studios on the east and west coast. Something unique about Yoga Works is they offer many different classes. They offer various classes from private to beginner and even offer retreats. If you are interested in attending a yoga class at Yoga Works, you can visit there website here.
David Magone is known as one of the worlds best yoga instructors. Based in Boston, Magone's studio PranaVayu is one of Boston's best. At this studio, three classes are offered which are Base Level, Accelerated Level and Mangalem Yantra Yoga. Each of these levels starts off at a beginner pace, but as you get going the class gets harder and harder. PranaVayu offers clinics for any yoga goers. If you would like to read more about PranaVayu, and the amazing instructor David Magone, click here.

Lastly, located in Washington DC, Tranquil Space is a top yoga studio. Located right in the heart of Washington DC, it can get pretty hectic in the political filled area. That is why this studio is so perfect. Founder of Tranquil Space, Kimberly Wilson is one of the best yoga instructors in America. She has built a team that can teach anyone any kind of yoga that they would like. If you are interested in attending a class at Tranquil Space, click here.

You shouldn't choose a yoga studio based on a ranking, you should choose a yoga studio based on your own choice. Find a studio that is for you, and stick with that.


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