Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top 3 Yoga DVDs

In our world today, we all have busy schedules, and can't get to the yoga studio. That is why there are yoga DVDs. Whenever I am not able to make it to a yoga studio, I always pop one of these DVDs in, and yoga away. My top 3 favorite DVDs to use are: Marisa Tomei: Core & Curves, Yoga for Every Body and Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown

Marisa Tomei: Core & Curves
Lets start off with Marisa Tomei: Core & Curves. First, I think having a celebrity leading you in a workout is pretty cool, even if it is through a video. Tomei works you hard in this DVD. You work on body definition, leg workouts and finally ten moves in ten minutes. This is more workout than yoga, but I still get a yoga feel from the video. You might be a little sore the next day, but it is worth it. If you are interested in working out with Marisa Tomei, click here to purchase the DVD. 

Yoga for Every Body
If you are looking for a traditional yoga video, Yoga for Every Body is for you. Led by J.J. Gormley, she takes her time in making sure you can understand the pose, and the DVD moves at a slow pace. If you are just starting out yoga, this video will be perfect for you, since it grows with you and gets challenging as it proceeds. If you are interested in this video, click here

Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown
Lastly, I had to add Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown. I am sure no yoga DVD can get as intense as this one. This DVD comes with two 30 minute workouts. In the video, there is traditional yoga, but Michaels' adds her cliche hardcore training to yoga, which really makes this a workout. If you are interested in working your butt off with Jillian Michaels, click here

Missing one of your yoga classes is no fun. That is why these DVDs are available so no matter where you are, you can always practice yoga. 

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