Thursday, July 11, 2013

Top 3 Most Difficult Poses in Yoga

Yoga is supposed to be relaxing, but if you want a challenge you can have a challenge. Some of these poses look impossible, but if you want to give them a shot, I'll help explain them. My top three hardest yoga poses are: Sage Koundinya I, Firefly Pose and Peacock Pose. 
Sage Koundinya I

The Sage Koundinya I is nearly impossible. The style of this pose is you are in a push-up position, with one leg balanced in the air, and the other leg bent and next to your knee. This is hard to explain, so I will post a picture. This pose is very difficult to hold, but if you can do it, you are definitely a yoga guru.  

The next pose is the Firefly Pose. With this pose, what you have to do is have your hands parallel to your legs. Then you lower your hands to the ground, lift yourself up with your arms and lower your back. Once again, I added a picture since it is hard to explain. With this pose, you hold it for 15 seconds or longer. If you can even hold it for more than 15 seconds, kudos to you. 

Lastly, we have the Peacock Pose. This pose is similar to the Sage Koundinya I, but there is one difference. Just like the Sage Koundinya I, you have to hold yourself up with your hands, but you don't have to move your legs. You generally hold this pose for 10 seconds, but if you can hold it for longer, good for you, that is a challenge. 

All three of these poses are as advanced as you get in yoga. If you are just started out yoga, please don't do these poses because it won't end well for anyone. 


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